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Achillea 'ACBZ0002' - Little Moonshine Yarrow

Achillea 'Moonshine' - Moonshine Yarrow

Achillea 'Sassy Summer Sunset' - Sassy Summer Sunset Yarrow

Achillea millefolium 'Paprika' - Galaxy Paprika Yarrow

Achillea millefolium 'Saucy Seduction' - Saucy Seduction Yarrow

Achillea millefolium 'Strawberry Seduction' - Strawberry Seduction Yarrow

Achillea millefolium 'Summer Pastels' - Summer Pastels Yarrow

Acorus gramineus 'Ogon' - Grassy-Leaved Sweet Flag (New For 2024)

Aegopodium podagraria 'Variegata' - Variegated Bishop's Goutweed

Ajuga 'Dixie Chip' - Dixie Chip Bugleweed

Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop' - Black Scallop Bugleweed

Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow' - Burgundy Glow Bugleweed

Ajuga reptans 'Caitlin's Giant' - Caitlin's Giant Bugleweed

Ajuga reptans 'Chocolate Chip' - Chocolate Chip Bugleweed

Ajuga reptans 'Pink Lightning' - Pink Lightning Bugleweed

Alchemilla 'Thriller' - Thriller Lady's Mantle

Alchemilla mollis - Lady's Mantle

Anemone sylvestris 'Grandiflora' - Snowdrop Windflower

Aquilegia 'Blue Bird' - Songbird Blue Bird Columbine

Aquilegia 'Blue Jay' - Songbird Blue Jay Columbine

Aquilegia 'Cardinal' - Songbird Cardinal Columbine

Aquilegia 'Earlybird Red And Yellow' - Earlybird™ Red and Yellow Columbine

Aquilegia 'Origami Blue and White' - Origami Blue and White Columbine

Aquilegia 'PAS1258484' - Earlybird™ Red and White Columbine

Aquilegia vulgaris 'Black Barlow' - Black Barlow Columbine

Armeria maritima 'Bloodstone' - Bloodstone Sea Thrift

Armeria maritima 'Splendens' - Splendens Sea Thrift

Aronia melanocarpa 'SMNAMPEM' - Low Scape Snowfire® Aronia

Aronia melanocarpa 'UCONNAM012' - Ground Hug™ Aronia

Aronia melanocarpa 'UCONNAM165' - Low Scape Mound® Aronia

Artemisia 'Wesartfafisesa' - FanciFillers™ Sea Salt Artemesia (New For 2024)

Artemisia schmidtiana 'Silver Mound' - Silver Mound Artemisia

Aruncus 'Chantilly Lace' - Chantilly Lace Goatsbeard

Aruncus 'Misty Lace' - Misty Lace Goatsbeard

Aruncus aethusifolius - Dwarf Goatsbeard

Aruncus dioicus - Goatsbeard

Asarum canadense - Canadian Wild Ginger

Athyrium 'Ghost' - Ghost Fern

Athyrium 'Godzilla' - Godzilla Giant Japanese Painted Fern

Athyrium filix-femina - Lady Fern

Athyrium filix-femina 'Lady in Red' - Lady in Red Fern

Athyrium filix-femina 'Victoriae' - Victoriae Lady Fern

Athyrium niponicum 'Crested Surf' - Crested Surf Japanese Painted Fern

Athyrium nipponicum 'Metallicum' - Japanese Painted Fern

Berberis 'NCBX1' - Sunjoy Todo® Japanese Barberry

Berberis thunbergii 'NCBT1' - Sunjoy Mini Maroon® Japanese Barberry

Bergenia cordifolia - Heartleaf Bergenia

Bouteloua gracilis 'Blonde Ambition' - Blonde Ambition Blue Grama Grass

Brunnera macrophylla 'Alexander's Great' - Alexander's Great Bugloss

Brunnera macrophylla 'Hadspen Cream' - Hadspen Cream Bugloss

Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' - Jack Frost Bugloss

Brunnera macrophylla 'Sea Heart' - Sea Heart Bugloss

Brunnera macrophylla 'Silver Heart' - Silver Heart Bugloss (New For 2024)

Brunnera macrophylla 'Variegata' - Variegated Siberian Bugloss

Calamagrostis brachytricha - Korean Reed Grass

Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Avalanche' - Avalanche Reed Grass

Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'El Dorado' - El Dorado Feather Reed Grass

Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' - Karl Foerster Reed Grass

Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Lightning Strike' - Lightning Strike Variegated Reed Grass

Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Overdam' - Variegated Reed Grass

Carex dolichostachya 'Gold Fountains' - Gold Fountains Sedge

Carex flacca 'Blue Zinger' - Blue Zinger Blue Sedge

Carex morrowii 'Ice Dance' - Ice Dance Sedge

Carex muskingumensis 'Oehme' - Variegated Palm Sedge

Carex siderosticha 'Variegata' - Variegated Broadleaf Sedge

Chrysanthemum 'Dark Bronze Daisy' - Dark Bronze Daisy Chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum 'Lavender Daisy' - Lavender Daisy Chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum 'Red Daisy' - Red Daisy Chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum 'Yellow Quill' - Yellow Quill Chrysanthemum

Clematis integrifolia 'Arabella' - Arabella Clematis

Convallaria majalis - Lily-Of-The-Valley

Coreopsis verticillata 'Curry Up' - Sizzle And Spice® Curry Up Tickseed

Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam' - Moonbeam Tickseed

Coreopsis verticillata 'Zagreb' - Zagreb Tickseed

Cotoneaster apiculatus - Cranberry Cotoneaster

Crassula capitella 'Campfire' - Campfire Crassula (New For 2024)

Deschampsia cespitosa - Tufted Hair Grass

Euonymus fortunei 'Canadale Gold' - Canadale Gold Wintercreeper

Eupatorium fortunei 'Pink Frost' - Pink Frost Joe Pye Weed

Geranium macrorrhyzum 'Bevan's Variety' - Bevan's Variety Cranesbill

Geranium sanguineum 'New Hampshire Purple' - New Hampshire Purple Cranesbill

Geranium x cantabrigiense 'Biokovo' - Biokovo Cranesbill

Hedera helix 'Gold Child' - Gold Child Ivy (New For 2024)

Hedera helix 'Yellow Ripple' - Yellow Ripple Ivy (New For 2024)

Hemerocallis 'Adorable Tiger' - Adorable Tiger Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Alabama Jubilee' - Alabama Jubilee Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Bama Music' - Bama Music Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Bela Lugosi' - Bela Lugosi Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Berrylicious' - Berrylicious Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Big Time Happy' - Happy Ever Appster® Big Time Happy Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Black Eyed Susan' - Black Eyed Susan Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Butter Curls' - Butter Curls Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Catherine Woodbury' - Catherine Woodbury Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Double Pardon Me' - Double Pardon Me Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Early Snow' - Early Snow Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Endless Heart' - Earlybird Cardinal™ Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Entrapment' - Entrapment Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Fire King' - Fire King Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Fooled Me' - Fooled Me Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Fragrant Returns' - Fragrant Returns Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Frosted Vintage Ruffles' - Frosted Vintage Ruffles Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Gentle Shepherd' - Gentle Shepherd Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Going Bananas' - Rainbow Rhythm® Going Bananas Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Handwriting On The Wall' - Handwriting On The Wall Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Happy Returns' - Happy Ever Appster® Happy Returns Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Inkheart' - Inkheart Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Inwood' - Inwood Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Jekyll Island' - Jekyll Island Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Joan Senior' - Joan Senior Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Judy Judy' - Judy Judy Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Just Plum Happy' - Happy Ever Appster® Just Plum Happy Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Lake of Fire' - Rainbow Rhythm® Lake of Fire Daylily (New For 2024)

Hemerocallis 'Little Grapette' - Little Grapette Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Mauna Loa' - Mauna Loa Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Moses Fire' - Moses Fire Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Night Embers' - Night Embers Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Orange Smoothie' - Rainbow Rhythm® Orange Smoothie Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Pandora's Box' - Pandora's Box Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Pardon Me' - Pardon Me Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Passionate Returns' - Passionate Returns Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Persian Ruby' - Persian Ruby Daylily (New For 2024)

Hemerocallis 'Pizza Crust' - Pizza Crust Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Primal Scream' - Rainbow Rhythm® Primal Scream Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Purple de Oro' - Purple de Oro Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Rocket City' - Rocket City Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Rosy Returns' - Happy Ever Appster® Rosy Returns Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Ruby Stella' - Ruby Stella Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Siloam Double Classic' - Siloam Double Classic Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Siloam Peony Display' - Rainbow Rhythm® Siloam Peony Display Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Stella de Oro' - Stella de Oro Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Stella Supreme' - Stella Supreme Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Strawberry Candy' - Strawberry Candy Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Swirling Waters' - Swirling Waters Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Tee Tiny' - Tee Tiny Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Tiger Swirl' - Rainbow Rhythm® Tiger Swirl Daylily

Hemerocallis 'VER00204' - EveryDaylily® Yellow Punch Daylily (New For 2024)

Hemerocallis 'VER0021' - EveryDaylily® Pink Wing Daylily (New For 2024)

Hemerocallis 'VER00322' - EveryDaylily® Red Ribs Daylily (New For 2024)

Heuchera 'Alchefril' - Frilly Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Berry Smoothie' - Berry Smoothie Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Berry Timeless' - Berry Timeless Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Black Pearl' - Black Pearl Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Blondie' - Little Cuties™ Blondie Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Cherry Cola' - Cherry Cola Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Cherry Truffles' - Dolce® Cherry Truffles Coral Bells (New For 2024)

Heuchera 'Dew Drops' - Dew Drops Coral Bells (New For 2024)

Heuchera 'Fire Alarm' - Fire Alarm Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Lava Lamp' - Lava Lamp Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Lemon Love' - Lemon Love Coral Bells (New For 2024)

Heuchera 'Lime Marmalade' - Lime Marmalade Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Mega Caramel' - Mega Caramel Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Paris' - Paris Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Silver Gumdrop' - Dolce® Silver Gumdrop Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Spearmint' - Dolce® Spearmint Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Stainless Steel' - Stainless Steel Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Timeless Night' - Timeless Night Coral Bells (New For 2024)

Heuchera 'TNHEUGA' - Grande™ Amethyst Coral Bells

Heuchera 'TNHEUGB' - Grande™ Black Coral Bells

Heuchera 'TNHEUNEA' - Northern Exposure™ Amber Coral Bells

Heuchera 'TNHEUNEB' - Northern Exposure™ Black Coral Bells

Heuchera 'TNHEUNEL' - Northern Exposure™ Lime Coral Bells

Heuchera 'TNHEUNEP' - Northern Exposure™ Purple Coral Bells

Heuchera 'TNHEUNER' - Northern Exposure™ Red Coral Bells

Heuchera 'TNHEUNES' - Northern Exposure™ Silver Coral Bells

Heuchera 'TNHEUNESI' - Northern Exposure™ Sienna Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Twist of Lime' - Twist of Lime Coral Bells

Heuchera micrantha 'Palace Purple' - Palace Purple Coral Bells

Heucherella 'Brass Lantern' - Brass Lantern Foamy Bells

Heucherella 'Eye Spy' - Fun and Games® Eye Spy Foamy Bells (New For 2024)

Heucherella 'Golden Zebra' - Golden Zebra Foamy Bells

Heucherella 'Hopscotch' - Hopscotch Foamy Bells

Heucherella 'Pink Fizz' - Pink Fizz Foamy Bells

Heucherella 'Pumpkin Spice' - Pumpkin Spice Foamy Bells

Heucherella 'Stoplight' - Stoplight Foamy Bells

Heucherella 'Sweet Tea' - Sweet Tea Foamy Bells

Hosta 'Abiqua Drinking Gourd' - Abiqua Drinking Gourd Hosta

Hosta 'Above The Clouds' - Shadowland® Above The Clouds Hosta (New For 2024)

Hosta 'Afterglow' - Afterglow Hosta

Hosta 'August Moon' - August Moon Hosta

Hosta 'Autumn Frost' - Shadowland® Autumn Frost Hosta

Hosta 'Beyond Glory' - Beyond Glory Hosta

Hosta 'Big Daddy' - Big Daddy Hosta

Hosta 'Blue Angel' - Blue Angel Hosta

Hosta 'Blue Ivory' - Blue Ivory Hosta

Hosta 'Blue Mammoth' - Blue Mammoth Hosta

Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears' - Blue Mouse Ears Hosta

Hosta 'Blue Umbrellas' - Blue Umbrellas Hosta

Hosta 'Brim Cup' - Brim Cup Hosta

Hosta 'Brother Stefan' - Brother Stefan Hosta

Hosta 'Cameo' - Cameo Hosta

Hosta 'Cherry Berry' - Cherry Berry Hosta

Hosta 'Christmas Tree' - Christmas Tree Hosta

Hosta 'Coast to Coast' - Shadowland® Coast to Coast Hosta

Hosta 'Color Festival' - Color Festival Hosta

Hosta 'Curly Fries' - Curly Fries Hosta

Hosta 'Dancing Queen' - Dancing Queen Hosta

Hosta 'Diamond Lake' - Shadowland® Diamond Lake Hosta

Hosta 'Dream Queen' - Dream Queen Hosta

Hosta 'Earth Angel' - Earth Angel Hosta

Hosta 'Empress Wu' - Shadowland® Empress Wu Hosta

Hosta 'Etched Glass' - Shadowland® Etched Glass Hosta

Hosta 'Fire and Ice' - Fire and Ice Hosta

Hosta 'Fire Island' - Fire Island Hosta

Hosta 'First Blush' - First Blush Hosta

Hosta 'First Frost' - First Frost Hosta

Hosta 'Forbidden Fruit' - Forbidden Fruit Hosta

Hosta 'Francee' - Francee Hosta

Hosta 'Frances Williams' - Frances Williams Hosta

Hosta 'Ginkgo Craig' - Ginkgo Craig Hosta

Hosta 'Golden Tiara' - Golden Tiara Hosta

Hosta 'Grand Tiara' - Grand Tiara Hosta

Hosta 'Guacamole' - Guacamole Hosta

Hosta 'Guardian Angel' - Guardian Angel Hosta

Hosta 'Halcyon' - Halcyon Hosta

Hosta 'High Society' - High Society Hosta

Hosta 'Hope Springs Eternal' - Shadowland® Hope Springs Eternal Hosta (New For 2024)

Hosta 'Hudson Bay' - Shadowland® Hudson Bay Hosta

Hosta 'Humpback Whale' - Humpback Whale Hosta

Hosta 'Island Breeze' - Island Breeze Hosta

Hosta 'Joy Ride' - Joy Ride Hosta

Hosta 'June' - June Hosta

Hosta 'Krossa Regal' - Krossa Regal Hosta

Hosta 'Lakeside Paisley Print' - Lakeside Paisley Print Hosta

Hosta 'Liberty' - Liberty Hosta

Hosta 'Love Story' - Shadowland® Love Story Hosta (New For 2024)

Hosta 'Loyalist' - Loyalist Hosta

Hosta 'Maui Buttercups' - Maui Buttercups Hosta

Hosta 'Mini Skirt' - Mini Skirt Hosta

Hosta 'Miss America' - Shadowland® Miss America Hosta (New For 2024)

Hosta 'Niagara Falls' - Niagara Falls Hosta

Hosta 'Night Before Christmas' - Night Before Christmas Hosta

Hosta 'Paradigm' - Paradigm Hosta

Hosta 'Party Streamers' - Party Streamers Hosta (New For 2024)

Hosta 'Patriot' - Patriot Hosta

Hosta 'Praying Hands' - Praying Hands Hosta

Hosta 'Rainbow's End' - Rainbow's End Hosta

Hosta 'Rainforest Sunrise' - Rainforest Sunrise Hosta

Hosta 'Raspberry Sundae' - Raspberry Sundae Hosta

Hosta 'Regal Splendor' - Regal Splendor Hosta

Hosta 'Sagae' - Sagae Hosta

Hosta 'Seducer' - Shadowland® Seducer Hosta

Hosta 'Silly String' - Silly String Hosta (New For 2024)

Hosta 'Stained Glass' - Stained Glass Hosta

Hosta 'Sum and Substance' - Sum and Substance Hosta

Hosta 'Tears In Heaven' - Tears In Heaven Hosta (New For 2024)

Hosta 'Tokudama Flavocircinalis' - Flavocircinalis Hosta

Hosta 'Touch Of Class' - Touch Of Class Hosta

Hosta 'Twin Cities' - Twin Cities Hosta

Hosta 'Victory' - Victory Hosta

Hosta 'Waterslide' - Shadowland® Waterslide Hosta

Hosta 'Wheee!' - Shadowland® Wheee! Hosta

Hosta 'Whirlwind' - Whirlwind Hosta

Hosta 'White Feather' - White Feather Hosta

Hosta 'Wide Brim' - Wide Brim Hosta

Hosta 'Wolverine' - Wolverine Hosta

Hosta 'Wrinkle in Time' - Wrinkle in Time Hosta

Hosta 'Wu-La-La' - Shadowland® Wu-La-La Hosta

Hosta fortunei 'Aureomarginata' - Golden Variegated Hosta

Hosta montana 'Aureomarginata' - Gold-Variegated Mountain Hosta

Hosta sieboldiana 'Elegans' - Elegans Hosta

Hosta undulata 'Albomarginata' - White-Variegated Hosta

Hypericum 'Deppe' - Sunny Boulevard® St. John's Wort (New For 2024)

Hypericum kalmianum 'SMHKBF' - Blues Festival® St. John's Wort

Juniperus chinensis 'Maney' - Maney Juniper

Juniperus chinensis 'Sea Green' - Sea Green Juniper

Juniperus communis 'AmiDak' - Blueberry Delight Juniper

Juniperus communis 'Effusa' - Effusa Juniper

Juniperus horizontalis 'Blue Chip' - Blue Chip Juniper

Juniperus horizontalis 'Hughes' - Hughes Juniper

Juniperus horizontalis 'Icee Blue' - Icee Blue Juniper

Juniperus horizontalis 'Lime Glow' - Lime Glow Juniper

Juniperus horizontalis 'Plumosa Compacta' - Andorra Juniper

Juniperus horizontalis 'Prince of Wales' - Prince of Wales Juniper

Juniperus horizontalis 'Wiltonii' - Blue Rug Juniper

Juniperus procumbens 'Nana' - Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper

Juniperus sabina - Savin Juniper

Juniperus sabina 'Arcadia' - Arcadia Juniper

Juniperus sabina 'Calgary Carpet' - Calgary Carpet Juniper

Juniperus squamata 'Blue Star' - Blue Star Juniper

Juniperus x media 'Old Gold' - Old Gold Juniper

Lamium maculatum 'Anne Greenaway' - Anne Greenaway Spotted Dead Nettle

Lamium maculatum 'Beacon Silver' - Beacon Silver Spotted Dead Nettle

Lonicera periclymenum 'Scentsation' - Scentsation Honeysuckle

Lysimachia nummularia 'Goldilocks' - Goldilocks Creeping Jenny (New For 2024)

Matteuccia struthiopteris - Ostrich Fern

Microbiota decussata - Russian Cypress

Miscanthus sinensis 'Gracillimus' - Gracillimus Maiden Grass

Miscanthus sinensis 'Graziella' - Graziella Maiden Grass

Miscanthus sinensis 'Huron Sunrise' - Huron Sunrise Maiden Grass

Miscanthus sinensis 'Little Miss' - Little Miss Maiden Grass

Miscanthus sinensis 'Malepartus' - Malepartus Maiden Grass

Miscanthus sinensis 'NCMS2B' - Bandwidth Maiden Grass

Miscanthus sinensis 'Purpurascens' - Flame Grass

Oenothera missouriensis - Ozark Sundrops

Origanum vulgare - Oregano (New For 2024)

Origanum x majoricum - Italian Oregano (New For 2024)

Pachysandra terminalis 'Green Sheen' - Green Sheen Japanese Spurge

Persicaria polymorpha - White Fleeceflower

Phlox 'Cloudburst' - Cloudburst Phlox

Phlox divaricata 'Blue Moon' - Blue Moon Phlox

Phlox divaricata 'London Grove Blue' - London Grove Blue Phlox

Phlox stolonifera 'Sherwood Purple' - Sherwood Purple Woodland Phlox

Phlox subulata 'Candy Stripe' - Candy Stripe Moss Phlox

Phlox subulata 'Drummond's Pink' - Drummond's Pink Moss Phlox

Phlox subulata 'Emerald Blue' - Emerald Blue Moss Phlox

Phlox subulata 'Emerald Pink' - Emerald Pink Moss Phlox

Phlox subulata 'Fort Hill' - Fort Hill Moss Phlox

Phlox subulata 'Red Wings' - Red Wings Moss Phlox

Phlox subulata 'Snowflake' - Snowflake Phlox

Picea pungens 'Procumbens' - Procumbens Spruce

Pinus mugo 'Jakobsen' - Jakobsen Mugo Pine

Polemonium reptans 'Touch Of Class' - Touch Of Class Jacob's Ladder

Polystichum polyblepharum - Japanese Tassel Fern

Potentilla fruticosa 'Bailmeringue' - Lemon Meringue™ Potentilla

Rhus aromatica 'Gro-Low' - Gro-Low Fragrant Sumac

Rosa 'BAIbox' - Music Box Rose

Rosa 'Chewhocan' - Oso Easy® Lemon Zest Rose

Rosa 'ChewMayTime' - Oso Easy® Paprika Rose

Rosa 'ChewMayTime' - Oso Easy® Paprika Rose

Rosa 'Chewnicebell' - Oso Easy® Italian Ice® Rose

Rosa 'ChewPatout' - Oso Easy® Urban Legend® Rose

Rosa 'ChewperAdventure' - Oso Easy® Mango Salsa Rose

Rosa 'Como Park' - Como Park Rose

Rosa 'FARROWRSP' - Oso Easy® Hot Paprika® Rose

Rosa 'Flower Carpet Yellow' - Flower Carpet Yellow Rose

Rosa 'Hope for Humanity' - Hope for Humanity Rose

Rosa 'Meipeporia' - Oso Easy Double Red® Rose

Rosa 'Nearly Wild' - Nearly Wild Rose

Rosa 'Oso Easy Peasy' - Oso Easy Peasy® Rose

Rosa 'Ramblin' Red' - Ramblin' Red Rose

Sanguisorba officinalis 'Little Angel' - Little Angel Burnet

Schizachyrium scoparium 'Blue Heaven' - Blue Heaven Bluestem

Schizachyrium scoparium 'Carousel' - Carousel Bluestem

Schizachyrium scoparium 'Standing Ovation' - Standing Ovation Bluestem

Schizachyrium scoparium 'The Blues' - The Blues Bluestem

Sedoro 'Blue Elf' - SunSparkler® Blue Elf Sedoro

Sedum 'Autumn Charm' - Autumn Charm Stonecrop

Sedum 'Autumn Delight' - Autumn Delight Stonecrop

Sedum 'Autumn Joy' - Autumn Joy Stonecrop

Sedum 'Class Act' - Class Act Stonecrop (New For 2024)

Sedum 'Firecracker' - Firecracker Stonecrop

Sedum 'Lemonjade' - Rock 'N Grow® Lemonjade Stonecrop

Sedum 'Lime Twister' - Lime Twister Stonecrop

Sedum 'Lime Zinger' - Lime Zinger Stonecrop

Sedum 'Maestro' - Maestro Stonecrop

Sedum 'Matrona' - Matrona Stonecrop

Sedum 'Night Embers' - Night Embers Stonecrop

Sedum 'Popstar' - Popstar Stonecrop

Sedum 'Pride and Joy' - Rock 'N Round™ Pride and Joy Stonecrop

Sedum 'Pure Joy' - Rock 'N Round™ Pure Joy Stonecrop

Sedum 'Rosy Glow' - Rosy Glow Stonecrop

Sedum 'Superstar' - Rock 'N Grow® Superstar Stonecrop

Sedum 'Vera Jameson' - Vera Jameson Stonecrop

Sedum 'Yellow Brick Road' - Rock 'N Low™ Yellow Brick Road Stonecrop

Sedum cauticola 'Lidakense' - Lidakense Stonecrop

Sedum rupestre 'Angelina' - Angelina Stonecrop

Sedum spectabile 'Neon' - Neon Stonecrop

Sedum takesimense 'Nonsitnal' - Atlantis™ Stonecrop

Sedum telephium 'Munstead Dark Red' - Munstead Dark Red Stonecrop

Sorbaria sorbifolia - False Spirea

Sorbaria sorbifolia 'SMNSSC' - Mr. Mustard® False Spirea

Spiraea 'NCSX2' - Double Play Doozie® Spirea

Spiraea 'Tracy' - Double Play Big Bang® Spirea

Spiraea japonica 'Galen' - Double Play® Artisan® Spirea

Spiraea japonica 'Minspi' - Double Play® Painted Lady® Spirea

Spiraea japonica 'NCSX1' - Double Play® Candy Corn® Spirea

Spiraea japonica 'SMNSJMFR' - Double Play® Red Spirea

Spiraea japonica 'var. alpina' - Daphne Spirea

Spiraea japonica 'Yan' - Double Play® Gold Spirea

Spiraea media 'SMSMBK' - Double Play® Blue Kazoo® Spirea

Spiraea x bumalda 'Magic Carpet' - Magic Carpet Spirea

Spodiopogon sibiricus - Frost Grass

Stachys officinalis 'Pink Cotton Candy' - Pink Cotton Candy Betony

Stephanandra incisa 'Crispa' - Cutleaf Stephanandra

Thymus praecox 'Coccineus' - Red Creeping Thyme

Thymus pseudolanuginosis - Wooly Thyme

Thymus vulgaris 'English' - English Thyme (New For 2024)

Tiarella 'Candy Striper' - Candy Striper Foamflower

Tiarella 'Cutting Edge' - Cutting Edge Foamflower

Veronica 'Blue Skywalker' - Blue Skywalker Speedwell

Veronica 'Lavender Lightsaber' - Lavender Lightsaber Speedwell

Veronica 'Perfectly Picasso' - Perfectly Picasso Speedwell

Veronica 'Pink Potion' - Magic Show® Pink Potion Speedwell

Veronica 'Purple Leia' - Purple Leia Speedwell

Veronica 'Royal Rembrandt' - Royal Rembrandt Speedwell

Veronica 'Tidal Pool' - Tidal Pool Speedwell

Veronica 'Very Van Gogh' - Very Van Gogh Speedwell

Veronica 'White Wands' - White Wands Speedwell

Veronica 'Wizard of Ahhs' - Magic Show® Wizard of Ahhs Speedwell

Viburnum cassinoides 'SMNVCDD' - Lil' Ditty® Witherod Viburnum

Vinca major 'Expoflora' - Expoflora Periwinkle (New For 2024)

Vinca major 'Maculata' - Maculata Periwinkle (New For 2024)

Weigela florida 'SMNWFDFPD' - Very Fine Wine® Weigela

Weigela florida 'SMNWFMS' - Midnight Wine Shine® Weigela

Weigela florida 'Verweig8' - My Monet Purple Effect® Weigela